Advanced Web Help

For Interactive Webs


Looking for a calculator for you site? They are great widgets for real estate, financial, and educational sites. You can have a pop-out calculator available for any site.


Look to the right corner of this page and the black post labelled Calculator?" The calculator on the post can be replaced with any calculator you may need. This sample calculator has post has a mortgage calculator that might be used by a realtor.

#1 - Always There Calculator

Add an always there calculator. It can contain type of calculator that you would like to have on your website. In this sample, there is a mortgage calculator hidden behind the calculator post, but, you can replace it with anything from a contact form to slide show.

Imagine, everywhere the visitor goes, your visitor can see the calculator at their fingertips to do a quick check.


#2 - Simple Calculator

Need a simple calculator on your site. Try this simple calculator. If you like, this can be inserted in the always there tab.


#3 - Renting Versus Buying Comparison

Would you like a calculator that suggests why people should buy instead of renting. This calculator does a simple cross comparison and gives some interesting results. This calculator shows why, in many cases, buying is better than renting.


#4 - Recipe Scaling

Need a method to scale a recipe up or down? Try this simple converter. If you like, this can be inserted in the always there tab.


#5 - Cost Vs MPG in Car Purchase

Would you like to know the cost trade-off in buying a car for mpgs? This calculator lets you specify the mpg for two cars, the average number of miles you drive per week, the difference in cost between the two cars and estimates how many years you would drive the more expensive car to get a return on your investment for a higher priced, higher mileage car.

