All posts by Dave

About Dave

Designing websites since 1998.

Symbols You Might Find Useful

If you find need to enter some math equations, logical statements or simply useful symbols, you may find the following symbols helpful.

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CSS Elliptical Corners

Create Elliptical Corners on a DIV

CSS logoIf you would like to create elliptical corners on a div, you can accomplish this with CSS3. Most new browsers will recognize elliptical corners, available with CSS3. However, browsers not recognizing CSS3 may appreciate -webkit variations (the -mos-border-radius does not support elliptical corners).

In each case, there are 2 parameter to the border radius declaration. That is:

  • param 1: The horizontal radius.
  • param 2: the vertical radius.

Create Selected Elliptical Corners

If you would like to create elliptical corners on selected corners, there is an option to handle this situation. This is available in CSS3, and special case options for old -webkit browsers.

The parameters are the same as the standard border radius, but affects only the selected corner.”

CSS Rounded Corners

Create a Rounded Corner on a DIV

CSS logoIf you would like to create rounded corners on a div, account for old and new browsers. Most new browsers will recognize rounded corners, available with CSS3. However, browsers not recognizing CSS3 may appreciate -mos, -webkit and -khtml variations.

In each case, there is 1 parameter to the border radius declaration. That is:

  • param 1: The corner radius.

Create Selected Rounded Corners

If you would like to create rounded corners on selected corners, there is an option to handle this situation. This is available in CSS3, and special case options for -moz and -webkit browsers.

The parameters are the same as the standard border radius, but affects only the selected corner.”

CSS Box Shadow

Create a Drop Shadow

CSS logoIf you would like to create drop shadows, account for old and new browsers. Most new browsers will recognize box-shadow, available with CSS3. However, browsers not recognizing CSS3 may appreciate -mos and webkit variations.

In each case, there are 4 parameters to the shadow declaration. These are:

  • param 1: horizontal offset of shadow.
  • param 2: vertical offset of shadow.
  • param 3: blur of shadow. (0 = no blur)
  • param 4: spread of shadow. (0 = shadow is same size as blur)

Create an Inner Shadow

If you would like to create a 3D curve effect on the edge of a box, there is an option in the box shadow. This is available in CSS3, and special case options for moz and webkit browsers.

The parameters are the same as the standard box-shadow, with the addition of a clarifying parameter “inset.”

Why this blog?

This blog is another how-to-do site.   It is primarily for my own purposes.   As I wander around doing websites, I find answers to questions.   Not wanting to have to search repeatedly for the answers, and knowing I will forget, I plan to add posts to this site to remind me of how-to-do facts I will need in the future.

If this blog helps you with your problems … great.  If you want to make a suggestion, great.  Perhaps this blog can help myself and others throughout the internet.
